We will need the following information and documentation from you in order to form a new trust:
About each Trustee:
- Full names
- Identity number
- Business address
- Residential address
- Occupation
- (Bring original identity document to the consultation)
About the Trust:
- Name
- Chosen address
For each Beneficiary:
- Full names
- Identity number
- Relationship to each trustee (blood relationship)
- (Bring original identity document to the consultation)
About the Auditor:
- Full names
- Address and contact details
Other information required:
- The amount of time the estate will exist for (in years) (or let us know if the trust has no expected end / termination date)
- Name of the bank and branch where a trust bank account will be opened for the trust
- The full names and identity number of the person who is starting the trust (founder) of the trust
- (Bring the founder's original identity document to the consultation)
- Whether the beneficiaries will benefit from both the capital (original investment) and the income of the trust or only the income
- The reason why the trust was created (object)
- How will new trustees be appointed (eg. by the current trustees / beneficiaries)?
- The minimum number of trustees
- When will the trust end (eg. when the youngest beneficiary reaches a certain age)?
- May the trustees enter into contracts with the trust and, if they can, under what circumstances?
- You contact me and let me know what you require
- You send me the information and documentation I require
- If necessary, we meet for me to get more information from you or to assist you with any questions
- I draft your Trust Deed and other documents
- You sign the documents
- The documents are sent to the Master for registration
- Once the Trust is registered I will provide you with Letters of Authority
Our service includes:
- One draft of your Trust*
- Two consultations**
- Lodgement and registration
Contact us for prices.
(Our fees are all inclusive and payable in advance.)
*This service includes one draft with one set of amendments. Any further amendments will be charged for by the page.
**A consultation to take instructions and one for signature are included. Further consultations will be charged for by the hour (or proportionate per part thereof).
Our service includes:
- One draft of your Trust amendment*
- One consultation**
- Lodgement and registration
Contact us for prices.
(Our fees are all inclusive and payable in advance.)
*This service includes one draft with one set of amendments. Any further amendments will be charged for by the page.
**Further consultations are charged for by the hour (or proportionate per part thereof).
Got a Question About Trusts?
Call or email me today for more information.
Cell: 082 567 7496
Email: monicas@yhp.co.za
Or Complete This Form to Ask me a Question about Trusts: