I have often been told after a person has passed away that he/she wanted his/her estate to be inherited by someone who does not inherit in terms of the South African Law of Intestate Succession.

In South Africa, if you die without a will, everything you own is inherited by your nearest relatives in terms of the Intestate Succession Act. If they have proof that you wanted to leave your estate to someone else, your family/friends are entitled to apply to Court. The problem is that the process is expensive and there is often no written evidence. Leaving a will ensures your estate is distributed in terms of your wishes and saves your nearest relatives unnecessary expenses and distress.

A will is also important as part of your estate planning to ensure that the tax implications of your death are taken into account. It is best to do a full estate planning assessment before drafting your will to ensure that your family is not caught off-guard by unexpected taxes on your death. 

For more information see: 


Your information:

  1. Full names
  2. Marital status (eg. (un)married / divorced / widow(er))
  3. Identity number (original identity document must be brought to appointment)
  4. Current residential address

      For your nominated executor:

      1. Full names
      2. Identity number / date of birth

      About your heirs:

      1. Full names
      2. Identity number / date of birth
      3. The percentage share that each heir inherits.
      4. If you are leaving certain property to one heir: a description of that property which will make it easy to identify on your death.
      5. The names and identity numbers of the people you would like to inherit if your heirs cannot / will not inherit.

      For the person you want to look after your children after your death (guardian)*:

      1. Full names
      2. Identity number / date of birth

      * Provide the same details for an alternative guardian (in case your first choice dies before/with you).

      If you create a trust in your will*:

      1. Full names of Trustees
      2. Identity number / date of birth (for Trustees)
      3. At what age of the youngest heir (eg. 18 / 21 / 25 years) do you want the trust to end

      *(Note: This type of trust is only created after your death - Testamentary trust)

      If you wish to leave any portion of your estate to an existing trust (inter vivos trust):

      1. Name of trust
      2. Trust number and branch of the Master’s office at which the trust is registered


      1. You send me the information and documentation I require
      2. If required we meet (for more complex wills)
      3. Your will is drafted
      4. Consultation and signature
      5. Your original will is handed to you for safekeeping

      NEED A WILL?

      This service includes:

      • One draft of your Will*
      • Consultation to take instruction and for signature**

      * The price includes one draft and one revision. Further revisions will be charged for per page.

      **Further consultations are charged for by the hour (or proportionate per part thereof).

      For more information see: (Our fees are all inclusive and payable in advance. )

      Need an International Will? For more information see:

      Got a Question About Wills?

      Call or email me for more information.

      Cell: 082 567 7496


      Or Complete This Form for me to contact you: