We will need the following information and documentation from you in order to form a new trust:

About each Trustee:

  1. Full names
  2. Identity number
  3. Business address
  4. Residential address
  5. Occupation
  6. (Bring original identity document to the consultation)

About the Trust:

  1. Name
  2. Chosen address

For each Beneficiary:

  1. Full names
  2. Identity number
  3. Relationship to each trustee (blood relationship)
  4. (Bring original identity document to the consultation)

About the Auditor:

  1. Full names
  2. Address and contact details

Other information required:

  1. The amount of time the estate will exist for (in years) (or let us know if the trust has no expected end / termination date)
  2. Name of the bank and branch where a trust bank account will be opened for the trust
  3. The full names and identity number of the person who is starting the trust (founder) of the trust 
  4. (Bring the founder's original identity document to the consultation)
  5. Whether the beneficiaries will benefit from both the capital (original investment)  and the income of the trust or only the income
  6. The reason why the trust was created (object)
  7. How will new trustees be appointed (eg. by the current trustees / beneficiaries)?
  8. The minimum number of trustees
  9. When will the trust end (eg. when the youngest beneficiary reaches a certain age)?
  10. May the trustees enter into contracts with the trust and, if they can, under what circumstances?


  • You contact me and let me know what you require
  • You send me the information and documentation I require
  • If necessary, we meet for me to get more information from you or to assist you with any questions 
  • I draft your Trust Deed and other documents
  • You sign the documents
  • The documents are sent to the Master for registration
  • Once the Trust is registered I will provide you with Letters of Authority


Our service includes:

  • One draft of your Trust*
  • Two consultations**
  • Lodgement and registration

Contact us for prices.

(Our fees are all inclusive and payable in advance.)

*This service includes one draft with one set of amendments. Any further amendments will be charged for by the page.

**A consultation to take instructions and one for signature are included. Further consultations will be charged for by the hour (or proportionate per part thereof).


Our service includes:

  • One draft of your Trust amendment*
  • One consultation**
  • Lodgement and registration

Contact us for prices.

(Our fees are all inclusive and payable in advance.)

*This service includes one draft with one set of amendments. Any further amendments will be charged for by the page.

**Further consultations are charged for by the hour (or proportionate per part thereof).

Got a Question About Trusts?

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Cell: 082 567 7496


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